Our homemade cake donuts are topped to your liking. Choose your favorite glaze and toppings to create your own hole-in-one treat. At $6 per guest this bar is perfect for all ages. With the help of a little cinnamon and nutmeg, your whole venue will smell delicious, giving your guests something to look forward to. Our donuts are pressed hot at your event and left to each guest to customize their own. Our servers will dip the donuts and top them for you!

The donut Bar

Donut Bar Flavors



Rainbow Sprinkles
Chocolate Sprinkles
Fruity Cereal
Whipped Cream
Cookies and Cream



Hot Chocolate

fry bar

what pairs well with Donuts

We're so excited to work with you! Fill out some details about your event, what you're looking for, etc. and a member of our team will reach out within 12 hours.

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